2018 has been the longest year of my life so far. I've done so many things, been to so many places, and met so many people. I would like to share with you how I saw the events of the year through my eyes, and I'd like to do it the only way I know how; through showcasing he songs that soundtracked it. Here are my top 100 songs of 2018! 100. Portugal. The Man - “Live In The Moment” We kick off the list with the follow-up single to the massive “Feel It Still” from last year. 99. Pale Waves - “Noises” If my mind could make noises this sweet and catchy, I'd probably want to make it my job. 98. Rae Sremmurd (feat. Juicy J) - “Powerglide” I found out about this song through a YouTube video which was a funny edit of this song where Swae Lee kept on singing “peanut butter”. 97. The Jungle Giants - “On Your Way Down” There’s a prominent cowbell running through this song. Can you really have enough cowbell? 96. Billie Eilish - “When The Party’s Over” T...